Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Doosan Mottrol (hereafter the “Company”) complies with the Personal Information Protection Act, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations to protect personal information.Furthermore, the Company, by establishing the Privacy Policy (hereafter the “Policy”) as per the applicable laws and regulations,strives for protecting the rights and interests of information subjects such as customers, executives, employees, and website users. Through this Policy, the Company regards personal information of the users as important and informs them tothe purpose and method of the Company’s use of the personal information provided by the users and the measures taken by the Company for the protection of the aforementioned personal information.Any revisions on the Policy of the Company will be posted on the notice section of the Doosan Mottrol website (or informed via individual notification). The Company’s Policy consists of two parts: [Treatment of the Personal Information] regarding the protection of personal information of all data subjects processed by the Company and [Operational Management for the Video Information Processing Devices] about the protection of private and personal information video. However, other than this website, regarding Doosan Mottrol, a separate Privacy Policy will be applied.

Doosan Mottrol (hereafter the “Company”) regards personal information of the customers or the users of the website ( “Data Subject”) as important and strives to protect the personal information of the Data Subject. Accordingly, the Company complies with the relevant laws and regulations such as the Personal Information Protection Act, the Act on Promotion of Information, and the Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection Act, etc. (hereafter “Communications Network Act”).

01. Scope of Personal Information Collected

  • 1. The Company collects personal information of the Data Subject only by lawful and fair means.
  • 2. The Company collects only personal information that is reasonably necessary for the purpose of the Company’s services; and, we do not collect ‘sensitive information’ (racial/ethnic origin, philosophical beliefs, origin of birth, legal domicile, political opinion, criminal record, health and genetic information, or sexual preference/practice, etc.) that may violatethe unique identification information of the Data Subject and infringe on basic human rights.

02. Items and Purposes forHandlingPersonal Information Collected

The Company collects the following items for personal informationof the Data Subject. Besides information directly provided by the users, the Company may automatically collect information items as stated in Paragraph 2 below when the Data Subject usesthis website.

  • 1. For Settling Customer’s Complaints and Grievance
    • Required Items : name, email address
    • Optional Items : location (city, province), phone number, nationality, company name
  • 2. For Evaluatingand Improving Customer Services : Automatically generated and collected in the process of using Internet services
    • Web-service usage record, access logs, cookies, IP address

03. Purpose of Using Personal Information Collected

The Company uses the collected information of the Data Subject for the following purposes.

  • 1. Customer Service
    • For Evaluating and Improving Customer Services: It is to provide better services to users through evaluating service usage analysis and to improve the performance level of this website (service evaluation and improvement), etc.
    • For Settling Customer’s Complaints and Grievances: It is to confirm customer’s complaints, to communicate and notify for fact-finding, and inform of settlement outcomes, etc.

04. Period for Use and Retention of the Personal Information Collected

  • 1. For Settling Customer’s Complaints and Grievances
    • Items Retained : name, email address, location (city, province), phone number (contact), nationality, affiliate
    • Period of Retention : 1Year
  • 2. For Evaluating and Improving Customer Services
    • Items Retained : web-service usage record, access logs, cookies, IP address
    • Period of Retention : 3Year
  • 3. For Recruiting Process/Acknowledgement
    • Items Retained/Periodof Retention: Separate notification through Recruiting website

      - For newly-recruited, until the purpose of use is achieved with the consent of the retention period.

05. Procedures and Methods for Eliminating Personal Information Collected

  • 1. Procedures for Elimination

    The Company will eliminatepersonal information within 5 days since the end ofperiod for use and retention of the personal information collected, and eradicate personal information within 5 days of the date when the personal information is deemed unnecessary, such as accomplishing the purpose of handling it, abolishing the service, or termination of the business.

  • 2. Methods for Elimination

    A. Printouts, documents, etc. on which personal information is recorded: Shredding or Incineration

    B. Electronic file type: Permanently delete in a way that cannot be restored.

06. Sharing Personal Information with3rd Party

Without justifiable reasons, such as the relevant laws and prior consent of the Data Subject, the Company will not share personal information with a 3rdParty. Except for the following cases

  • when the Data Subject consents the sharing in advance
  • when the sharing is required by the special provisions in the law or is inevitable to comply with the obligations under the law or regulations
  • when the Data Subject or its legal representative is unable to express his/her intention or cannot obtain prior consent due to unknown address, etc., and is clearly deemed necessary for the benefit of urgent life, body, or property of the Data Subject or 3rd Party.

Currently, the Company provides personal information as follows:

Recipient Items Provided Purpose of Use Retention Period
Multicampus Co., Ltd. Name, Date of Birth, Test Date, Test ID Number, Test Results To identify applicants when checking their OPIC test results Immediately eliminate after checking the results
Korea TOEIC Committee Name, Date of Birth, Test Date, Test ID Number, Test Results To identify applicants when checking their TOEIC Speaking Test results Immediately eliminate after checking the results
Cube Communication Group Name (Korean/English), Gender, Telephone Number (Mobile) To create name tags and place seats at welcoming events for newly-hired employees Immediately eliminate after the end of the event

07. Consignment of Treatment for Personal Information Collected

The Company consigns some of the tasks essential to provide services to the Data Subject to external companies, and regulates, manages, and supervises matters necessary for the consigned company to safely process personal information pursuant to relevant laws. The personal information consigned by the Company is as follows:

1. Data storage and service operation

Consignee Tasks of Consignment
AmazonWeb Service, Inc Data storage and service operation

08. The Rights and Duties of the Data Subject and its Exercise of the Rights

  • 1. The Data Subject can always request the withdrawal of inquiry/modification/consent of registered personal information. If the Data Subject contacts the personal information management department of the Company in writing, by phone, or via email, we will take action without delay.
  • 2. If the Data Subject requests correction of personal information errors, the company does not use or provide the personal information until the correction is completed.
  • 3. In the case of children under the age of 14, the legal representative has the right to inquire or modify the children’s personal information, andwithdraw consent to collect and use it.
  • 4. The Company shall deal with personal information terminated or deleted at the request of the Data Subject or legal representative as specified in the Company’s Privacy Policy and shall not peruse or use it for any other purposes.

09. Installation, Operation, and Rejection of Auto-Collection Devices for Personal Information

  • 1. The Company operates a ‘cookie’ that frequently stores and finds information on the Data Subject’s computer at their permission. Cookies are a small amount of information that the server uses to run the website on the Data Subject’s browser and,for this purpose, are stored on the Data Subject’s computer hard disk.
  • 2. The Data Subject can choose whether or not to permit the use of the cookie. The Data Subject can allow all cookies by setting options in the web browser, go through confirmation whenever cookies are saved, or refuse to save all cookies. However, if the Data Subject refuses to install cookies, it may be difficult to provide full web services.

10. Measures to Secure Personal Information Safety

Pursuant to Article 29 of the Personal Information Protection Act and Article 28 of the Communications Network Act, the Company takes technical/managerial and physical measures necessary to ensure safety as follows:

  • 1Minimize Handlers forPersonal Information
    The Company minimizes the authority over the personal information handlers to protect personal information.
  • 2Implement Regular Training for Personal Information Handlers
    Regular training sessions are provided to raise awareness of personal information protection.
  • 3Conduct Regular In-house Inspection
    In-house inspection is regularly conducted to ensure security related to the processing of personal information.
  • 4Establish and Execute an In-house Management Plan
    For the secure processing and management of personal information, the Company has established
  • 5Encryption of Personal Information
    The personal information and/or the passwords of the Data Subject are encrypted and stored/managed, and are safely managed using separate security functions even during transmission.
  • 6Technical Measure against Hacking
    The Company installs security programs and periodically updates/inspects them to prevent personal information leakage and damage caused by hacking or computer viruses, and also installs systems in areas where access is restricted from the outsideto technically and physically monitor and block them.
  • 7Restriction on Access to Personal Information
    The Company takes necessary measures to control access to personal information by granting, changing, or canceling access to personal information processing systems that deal with personal information, and controls unauthorized access from the outside using an intrusion blocking system.
  • 8Storage for Access Logs and Prevention of Forgery and Alteration
    The Company stores and manages records of access to the personal information processing system, and uses security functions to prevent access logs from being forged, altered, stolen, or lost.
  • 9Application of Locks for Document Security
    Document and supplementarystorage media containing personal information are stored in a safe place under lock.
  • 10Access Control for Unauthorized Persons
    There is a separate physical storage place where personal information is stored, and access control procedures are established and operated.

However, the Company is not responsible for what happens due to personal errors by the Data Subjector underlying risks of the Internet.

11. Information Security Manager and the Person-in-Charge for Personal Information

  • A. Information Security Manager
    • Name : Min-Cheol, Kim / Managing Director
  • B. Doosan MottrolCo.,Ltd.Information Security Manager
    • Name : Tae-Sam, Jeong / General Manager
  • C. Department of Personal Information Protection
    • Title : SI Team of Doosan Mottrol
    • Telephone : 055-269-5106
    • Fax : 055-269-5224
    • Email : [email protected]
  • 1. If you need a report or consultation on other personal information infringement,please contact the institution below.

12. Scope of Application for this Privacy Policy

This Policy is applicable when using the Company’s website ( while other separate privacy policies may apply to services provided by other brands of the Company.

13. Notification of Revision on Privacy Policy

If there is any addition, deletion, or modification of the contents of this Privacy Policy, the Company will notify customers or the Data Subject of the reason and contents of the changes through the website before enforcing them.

[Bylaws] 1. (Enforcement Date) This Privacy Policy takes effect on September 1, 2019.
